The Richie Hawtin hate fest is weak, don't yall have something better to hate 
on in your lives than little blond Richie.  

Nobody has to defend him, he is in top form and literally at the top right now. 
 LIke it or not, he is making techno popular.  I am personally grateful for him 
turning me on to some great new artists like sleeparchive and to refocusing my 
interest on Pan Sonic related projects.  I have been listening to his work for 
a long time and there are some gems and a lot of wanking.  The last time he 
really blew me away as a dj was demf 2005, but pretty much ever other set that 
I have heard or seen since then has been too polished and tweaky.  

But for what I don't like about his work, I love the people that he has put out 
records with and does parties with (excluding magda).  When he plays with 
someone like villalobos or luciano, ah it is really the best thing for him and 
the best for me. 
There are plenty of things about him that I don't care for but in a sea of 
funky breaky west coast house I am glad he comes out here and plays.   

I also think that the video is ego gone wild, but if they have good people 
interviewed in it and slick production, maybe more people will look deeper into 
detroit music.  wishful thinking, but back in 94, when I stumbled on the 
pasticman record with the new sound of detriot stamped on it, I looked into 
what the detriot sound was and found rob hood and UR and mills and was very 


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