Nobody has to defend him, he is in top form and literally at the top right now. 
 LIke it or
not, he is making techno popular.  I am personally grateful for him turning me 
on to some
great new artists like sleeparchive and to refocusing my interest on Pan Sonic 

people on this list were talking about sleeparchive from day 1.

There are plenty of things about him that I don't care for but in a sea of 
funky breaky west
coast house I am glad he comes out here and plays.

music is not relative to me. its either good, or its bad. i have no
problem with just not going out if the music is not top notch.

I also think that the video is ego gone wild, but if they have good people 
interviewed in it
and slick production, maybe more people will look deeper into detroit music.  
thinking, but back in 94, when I stumbled on the pasticman record with the new 
sound of
detriot stamped on it, I looked into what the detriot sound was and found rob 
hood and
UR and mills and was very happy.

anecdotal evidence is not a strong argument. its really easy to see
that hawtin fans are not all a subset of detroit techno listeners. id
draw the venn diagram but im too lazy. aside from that, what he does
now (thankfully) has little to do with detroit. though if you ask some
people, nothing he ever made did!


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