music is probably the most universal language there is for
the human species. the best music does the same thing, reguardless of
who made it or where it comes from.
i guess i could have made this post more simple by saying it's just not
so black and white to say all music is universal language. techno may be
but the traditional music of native *insert country* people is most
likely not universally understood.

Any universal statement gets pretty hard to prove, unless you are God.
They take exhaustive knowledge - about signs, meaning and perception, among other things - which just isn't available
to anyone I can think on this plane of existence.
That is not to say that music or other forms of communication cannot be transcultural, it means that it's a pretty hard thing to establish as true or normative. "Best" is a whole other ball of wax which is fraught with even more difficulties.

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