<devil's advocate>

>it could be that it was like that in the past. but i bet the number
>right now of people who own a computer without making music is far
>more than the number of people who own a guitar that sits around for
>no reason.

Of course computers are used for lots of stuff. Guitars have one
purpose. No-brainer.

>the problem with the tool of course is that it requires nothing in
>addition to work.

Hey! you ever see this band called peelander-z? I have. One of the
things they do in their act is at a certain point they recruit audience
members to come up onstage and play their instruments for them while
they do other things with bowling pins and such. Before this though,
they get the music to such a fever pitch of screaming guitar-feedback
madness that, unless the dude who got picked for drums sucks bad you can
barely tell it's not them. Ever hear of the noise core rock stuff. A lot
of that is just guys that can't play guitar a lick hitting the strings
as hard as they can and screaming. As long as you market it right you
can sell anything. Music is no exception and knowing this, I can't
believe you still see this as an issue with the artists/tools instead of
with the idiots that buy it.

>in practice however, it makes people really lazy and more
>than willing to just copy and bite things left and right. if you want
>to start a band or even just use a hardware electronic music studio,
>its going to require 10 times more thought and effort just to get
>going than it is to make a remedial track in most software apps. that
>efforts weeds out jokers. not all of them, unfortunately, but alot of

Any new convenience will make people do less to achieve more by
definition. If it didn't make things easier, it wouldn't be convenient
would it? It would be making things more complicated (which we both
abhor). I personally stick with gear when I can, but I wouldn't let
these cats off the hook as easily as you Tom. I'd never let a punk
fakin' uncreative hack blame his wackness on the availability of the
arpeggiator (which, when introduced to the "all gear" studio world,
heard the same cries of "but they just hit that random button") or some
preset. I've heard cats work them fxcking presets to the bone. And in my
experience in big studios, that cost model has proven to weed out more
of the creatives and put the control factor solely in the hands of those
with the cash to pay. Usually that's not the guy who's tormented by his
creative genius. I've had to watch more than a few real live geniuses
get raped for their ideas and soul because they either needed the money
to get a studio, or were under the thumb of the guy that paid for the
time (A&R). so it's a good theory, but it actually works the other way
around in real life (according to my experience).

>for all these music heads, where is the good music?

You been buying some of it, some gets obscured by the shxtpile of weak
shxt, and the rest is on the way. If you haven't found it and we tell
you it's there, maybe you just gotta dig deeper...or in another
hole/shop.  :)I run with a crew of real sampleheads and the crate
diggers credo has always been, "it's out there...I just gotta cop it
before you." So go get it man. 

>but using computers doesnt make people more creative, or have
>more skill. their music would still be good if it was made on an
>acoustic guitar.

I think this is where the crux of the matter lies. No tool will make up
for artistic integrity and creativity. What it can do is allow you to
approximate these with less effort. If you choose to be happy with that,
okay then. Plenty of guys I know are happy just to go outside, play some
football, get hurt again and call it a day. They're not shooting for the
premier league or anything and that's fine.

For me it's a no- lose situation. See, for every crap record out by "dj
slackfingers", there's someone with crap taste that's ready to buy it.
YAY! They win. For me, I have a zero tolerance policy for that kind of
music, so not only do I not listen to it. It's like the fxcking easter
bunny to me...not even real. So it doesn't bother me. It's only as
annoying as a fly in traffic. Not very when it comes to the day to day. 

</devils advocate>

Bottom line: hold artists responsible for their failures. Hold yourself
responsible for the effects of your taste on your psyche. And above all,
hold the system responsible for it's oppressive nature that allows these
a$$hole to thrive and gives us a reason to hate.. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:52 PM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) really

On 8/31/06, Dale Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For every hack artist that installs some software
> and declares themselves a musician there are
> hundreds of individuals in the past who picked up
> a guitar and thought they were rock stars.

so for those people, it takes almost no effort to DL and
install any variety of music software, whereas if you wanna play
guitar youve gotta go out and buy a guitar, learn how to play it (no
matter how basic your music is going to be), and find people to play
in a band with, and then on top of that either buy or borrow equipment
to actually record and mixdown said music.

with a laptop, you can do everything and have it posted on the web in
under 2 hours. you dont even have to have any idea how to physically
play any instrument, you can just point and click with your mouse, a
technique many people already have mastered! we're only at the start
of the use of computers to make music, really. and if the quality
keeps going down the way it has been, one day people will be yearning
for the early 00's.

> Dylan knows how to play guitar, etc... Kraftwerk
> knows how to work their synthesizers (and they
> use a computer as their sequencer--if not having
> moved completely over to software synthesis in
> their own studio already)... hell, *I* know how
> to work synthesizers too... Producing sound in
> real-time within the computer is just another
> tool.  Either you're good at it or you aren't.
> Some get the A grade... others get the F... and a whole lot of in

no techiques, no abilities, nothing. hell, you can
even get sample packs on the web of every drum machine ever and use
them all. nothing at all is required to get going. which i appreciate
in theory. 

> Personally, if we're talking about tools, I only
> use Live and one plug-in, which is simply a
> synthesizer that I like.  I've rarely even read a
> manual for a piece of gear.  I've figured out all
> of the synthesis parameters out there myself, and
> have usually stayed out of gear discussions
> because I already had the tools/gear I wanted and
> really didn't care about anything else.  I was
> never a gear head, I am a music head. There are
> so many people out there that are exactly the
> same way... many that have strolled in and out of this list over the

? are they just not
working hard enough? too many people bite the trendy style, too many
people follow the paint by numbers method of making music in genre X.
and that isnt limited to computer users, but it seems extremely
prevalent amongst them.

> Yes, every morning I wake up, turn on my
> computer, double-click the Live 5.0 icon on my
> desktop, and press return.  The songs just come
> pouring out.  Check my page.  It's astounding.
> I hope nobody else figures out what program I use. I'll be ruined.

hey man, YOU might not. but many other people do just use their
programs in the same old way and make the same old crap.

im not gonna say what i feel about your tracks because this isnt what
the discussion is about. but i bet you can guess.

> >>Did you receive my point about all the new technologies in music...
> >>or even art in general, such as photography, always receiving
> >>resistance in their infancy?
> >
> >its not really a new point,
> Extraneous insult ignored.

which extraneous insult was that?

> You may understand it, but I'm not sure if the point is sinking in.
> Is photography art?  If so, why?  All you have to
> do is press a button. Some people make
> masterpieces with their Polaroids while others
> make trash with their elaborate camera systems....    and vice versa.

but the point is that if you try to substitute the elaborate setup for
talent, it doesnt work! but thats not really where the true difference
is. what a photo does is the same as what music does, it captures a
feeling. think of it as the difference between someone who takes
candid shots vs someone who sets up their shots. thats really where
the difference comes in more. you can elaborate in setting up a photo
and suck all the interesting things out of the subject that were there
when you got the inspiration to frame it the way you want it in the
first place. worrying about lighting and whatnot doesnt matter if
youre not getting the feeling across. and thats the same thing that
computers open up in music. they allow you to mess with things on such
a small level, make them "perfect". which of course is what sucks all
the humanity out of it. you can just concentrate on the technical
aspects of it because it requires only knowledge, not talent or
creativity. its obvious across all genres of electronic music from
jungle to techno to IDM. the computers allow wankery that just
distracts from what music is about: feeling.

> I'm also a designer.  Should we dismiss all of
> the art and design of today that was made with a
> computer?  I love progressive design, but there
> is a lot of garbage out there and I cringe at
> something awful I see every single day.  Do I blame the tool?
> Blame the artist.

yeah, but obviously there are ALOT more artists out there doing stuff
and putting it out there because of the easy availability of
computers. so theres a ton more artists putting out a ton more crap.
and unfortunately, there arent nearly as many design fans as there are
music fans. and music fans can only take so much crap music.

> Samplers.  Some people sample entire loops of
> other people's music, add a beat, and sing over
> it.  Other people use a sampler to record just a
> drum kick, the sound of a glass breaking, or
> their grandmother belching, then rework it and
> use it successfully in a track as an
> instrument.  Are samplers evil because MC Hammer
> and Puff Daddy blatantly misused them?

the difference is that one thing is NOT creative. and of course that
isnt satisfying to many people. the lack of creativity is what makes
most computer music unsatisfying to me.

> What if someone had a disease of some sort, like
> Parkinson's, where they just couldn't keep their
> hands steady, but they had a brilliant mind just
> overflowing with creative vision, and the
> computer allowed them to finally bring those
> visions to reality and share them with us?  Are they not keeping it

thats a single hypothetical person. how many of those are there
really? and how many of them are making good music?

> Stephen Hawking doesn't keep it real.  He's a hack.

uh, okay?

> I have sounds in my head that I've never heard in
> real life and I've still never been able to get
> them out, but with software I'm a little bit
> closer.  I'm sorry if the sound I want to use in
> a song isn't made by an analog synth, korg
> wavestation, guitar, ukelele, tribal drum, leaf
> blower, car crash, or anything else found in the universe today.

youre missing the whole point though! the SOUND doesnt matter. at all,
really. its why old punk sounds so much more captivating than Rush. i
dont care how much better Rush's equipment is, their energy and
feeling was overwrought and contrived. punk got straight to the point,
and thats why people loved it.

the same holds true for dance music. i love disco music, but there was
an obvious tendency to go way over the top in producing it and it
resulted in many many many poor records. of course, the knock off that
went for that same FEELING, early house music, is really what it's all
about. they kept it simple, and didnt worry about trying to sound like
disco producer X.

> Isn't that striving towards something
> groundbreaking?


> Trying to realize something that
> no one has ever heard before?

have you ever seen the george carlin bit about "sentences that have
never been spoken"?

> Many people are
> trying to achieve this goal using the
> computer.  Alternately, though, simply making a
> sound that no one has heard yet doesn't make it
> good.  You still need creativity and skill to make it worthy of

exactly. but using computers doesnt make people more creative, or have
more skill. their music would still be good if it was made on an
acoustic guitar.

look at someone like basic channel. genres worth of knockoffs (glitch
house or whatever pretty much was born out of the BC/CR sound, as well
as tons of crappy dubby techno ripoffs) of their music have emerged,
with people using increasingly complex equipment to try to achieve
that feeling that they did with crappy broken sounding old gear. and
of course no one can touch those guys.

> So many tools at our disposal...  and it is up to
> the individual to use them in good conscience.

and do you trust people to do that? especially when its VERY easy to
NOT? i know i don't.

> More complex for no reason?  I find music
> production in the PC much simpler, and satisfying.

unless you have a ridiculous home studio, you are limited by the
number of channels in your mixer, the number of EFX units and synths
you have, etc. in the computer, theyre all just a click away. you can
easily have 200 tracks, with ridiculous amounts of EFX on each
channel. and the music still wont be AT ALL better than what the
chicago house cats made on a 4 track cassette multitrack, much less
12.5 times better. so if you count simple as "not having to think"
then you are right. and i dont think that not thinking is a good
thing! becoming one with your setup so that you no longer have to
think is one thing (and its something i think every musician is aiming
for). but just clicking away until something sounds different isnt

> To set up my old studio I had to first plug in a
> network of AC/DC supply, then hook up a network
> of patch cables to my mixer, then hook up a
> network of midi cables to my sequencer.

man, plugging stuff in is SOOOOOO tough!

> I could
> spend hours and hours trying to get rid of line
> noise, unsuccessfully resetting up my synths to
> sound just like they did the week before so I can
> finish a track I was working on before I was
> inspired to work on another idea, etc... etc...

you gotta learn to work faster. and learn how to set your stuff up. i
set my personal stuff up once, and other than things breaking, its not
a problem to swap things in and out.

and if youre truly going to compare, you have to point out the issues
with soundcard drivers and plugins not working properly and all the
other computer related (not even music related, computer technology
related!) problems that pop up in every music production forum on the

> All of the same tools now exist in the
> computer.  There are synthesizers, samplers,
> mixers, and sequencers at my fingertips. It is
> the same thing I have been doing for years but
> much more stable

more stable? your hardware synths been crashing on you?

> and intertwined for much better
> mix quality.  I've spent at least $15,000 over
> the years on gear and never came close to a mix
> quality that I have in the PC... I would need to
> rent an outside studio to do that.... and who
> wants to leave their house at 3am to explore
> music in someone else's studio?... or spend the money if they don't
have to?

WHY CARE WHAT YOUR "MIX QUALITY" IS LIKE? do you really think your
tracks are better than larry heard's "can you feel it"? i dont think
he was very worried about "mix quality" at the time. if youre worrying
about things like this, youre not worried about the feeling. youre
worried about nonsense that has nothing to do with the music. it has
to do with some hi-fi nerd circle jerk.

> It's so simple isn't it?
> 1) Software production has raised the bar
> significantly.  It is easier for a skilled artist
> to make a more well-produced track.

again, who cares how well produced something is? its totally
irrelevent. the only thing that matters if it a song hits emotional
chords. never in my life has production value hit an emotional chord
with me.

> 2) There is one huge liability to the development
> of making music entirely within the PC, and that
> is Bit Torrent.  Anyone with an internet
> connection can download software to their heart's
> content and call themselves a producer.  No
> longer are aspiring electronic musicians bound to
> spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to
> get their studio up and running.

they never were before, either. at least when the music was about a
feeling and not about "professional sound quality". when this music
was invented, heads were rocking crappy synths and drum machines that
no one wanted. they were insanely limited, but they used them because
they could afford them. and those limitations FORCED them to squeeze
out emotionally captivating recordings. the more money came into the
process, the more it became about buying more, newer equipment, and
the music paid the price.

> You speak of
> the quality of music not increasing in direct
> proportion to the complexity of the equipment,
> and you are correct, but there are more factors
> involved that you haven't considered and I
> believe your skepticism to be
> misguided.  Further, this does not discount the
> accomplishments of truly gifted artists... and
> for them the quality of music is progressing rapidly.

what factors am i not considering? all i see is people spending time
and energy on tracks where all theyre worried about is the mixdown or
the 24 bit effects or whatever. they should be spending time making
stuff that sounds GOOD. not "Well produced". GOOD.

> There is simply more trash for you to weed
> through, as there has been for every other form
> of music as the instruments and tools they used
> became more readily available... and now
> distribution is also at the hands of anyone with
> an internet connection.  You can download the
> same amount of trash from any other genre popular
> today.  Electronic music is no different.

i dont agree. this year ive definitely bought more new non-techno and
house records than i have in those genres. this is music that i love,
and its being polluted more and more with crap to the point where the
good is almost impossible to find. and i care about finding music alot
more than the average person.

> "All I need is a red guitar, three chords, and
> the truth"?  What was he talking about
> there?  Part of it was a complaint about how easy
> it is/was for anyone to make it as a
> musician--  Pick one of three chords?  ie: Press
> return?  No, there is no comparison there.

dood, i seriously think you have no idea how to interpret what people
are saying. the point of that was IT WAS THE TRUTH THAT MADE THE
MUSIC, way moreso than the guitar and 3 chords. the quote is saying
that all you need is the most rudimentary equipment and a good idea
and you can make timeless music. that was the point.

> Regardless, the world is much more complex than I
> think you want to see it, but that is
> reality.  There are many things to consider in
> any issue that arises.  This applies to all facets of life.

youre right. i guess ill consider the fact that home studios have made
tons of money for certain companies. and the idea of making music
computer based instead of based on old machines that no one is making
money selling (aside from people on ebay with the "classic" stuff, but
f*ck that nonsense too. its why i dont have a 909, 808, 303, etc), and
yet people are so quick to buy into their product because its "better"
or "easier" to make music with. what a joke. there are many complex
issues at work here, but the end result is all the same: techno and
house music suck right now. really hard.

> As far as music is concerned there have always
> been hacks, and as time goes by many of them
> become more easily recognized.  If they are using
> a pre-fab beat programs full of presets, then
> people are going to ask why they sound like so
> many other artists out there and get bored or dismiss them entirely.

we've already seen the rise and fall of one music based on a software
gimmick: glitch stuff. akufen today doesnt seem like quite the genius
he was 6 years ago, does he? it's going to happen to more genres
tomorrow. my guess is "minimal" will go next. though i guess by then,
some people might find new subgenres to leech off of.....


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