acctually let me explain a little better about what I emant below...
reuses live instrumentation that he plays as sound source material for his music... its not just him sampleing from records... how how he samples this stuff and gets it on to his machines are all up to him from my discussions with him he uses all sorts of different recording and micing methods... any how I think regardless of what he does he still a fine example of digital music made with a laptop that sounds super warm... I can find out more about his techniques when I play with him later this month in toronto (sept 23rd) and give you direct examples of what hes doing but ultimatly its warm music made digitally not by the fetishized analogue gear... oh and by the way rob model from what I understand uses actual intruments like a electric guitars to get his sounds...its later processed like crap to end up as they sound...

On Sun, 3 Sep 2006, Neil Wiernik wrote:

bizzzzzz WRONG jelinek uses live instrumentation for the most part hes only used samples for a small amount of recordings and acctually they are samples of his own music playing....

On Sat, 2 Sep 2006, v12 wrote:

someone mentioned jelinek,ok he can sound really sweet sometimes, but it's
a slightly different story..
show me someone who sounds like that relying of software synthesis ONLY.


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