On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 09:48:48AM -0500, kent williams wrote:
> Laurent Guarnier started coming to Detroit a long time ago, and is a
> huge fan of detroit techno.  

Knowing Garnier personaly for a while (since 1995 when booked him to 
DJ around here - funded with own money and health! - Organized a couple 
of tours here for him since then, visited his place in Paris, etc...), 
I am aware of his interest in Detroit.

> Bone has great stories about Laurent
> DJ'ing without monitors at sketchy Detroit parties back then.  

Agreed. Similar stories when he was around here.
IMHO, he is a great DJ, great technique, but not that great taste.

> And as
> for Aretha and Iggy, why wouldn't he know about them?

Never tried to judge "who's 'Detroit' enough". My point is: this 
"History of Detroit" CD and his Retrospective CD sound like a commercial
opportunity, without much musical value (not discussing the tracks
themselves, they can be found elsewhere). It is only a personal opinion
I would like to share (maybe a bit overemphasized last post, sorry!). 

> I'm from Iowa, so I don't think I can judge who's 'Detroit' enough,
> any more than, say, a guy from Brazil.  I do know that whether you

Hey! Am I the only one feeling some prejudice here? Why should the place
someone is from matter??? Dont understand why you are mentioning this

> like Laurent's music or not -- and he's hit or miss for me -- his
> hearts in the right place.  

I disagree.




Guilherme Menegon Arantes, PhD       Sao Paulo, Brasil

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