On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 09:07:54AM +0100, Martin Dust wrote:
> >
> >
> >Also, the explanation to me is very much in line with that
> >Retrospective of Garnier, recent out on F Comm (not to criticise the
> >quality of his music, but what is the point of a retrospective of
> >tracks that are all newer than 10 years, easily available from other
> >sources, some of them released in his last year LP!!!): Pure
> >commercialism/opportunism.
> >
> Aren't the tracks reworkings with jazz musicians and as such not 
> available anywhere else in that form.

No, it cointains only two live tracks (among a total of 23) which were
recorded with jazz musicians. These are actually the only two previously
unreleased tracks. 



Guilherme Menegon Arantes, PhD       Sao Paulo, Brasil

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