Hopefully so, they were on that list of R&S represses that someone (JT I 
think?) posted a while back - however if I recall correctly
he did then post again to say that he'd maybe got things slightly wrong and not 
everything on his list was going to reappear?
They've repressed at least one, maybe both of the singles of the Stacey so 
that's maybe a good sign? (insofar they did that with
Azimuth / Catatonic 12" then repressed Metaphor).
What I'm a bit nervous about is I'd like Model 500 "Classics" which was also on 
the list but there was a B*st*rd Bootlegger poor
quality version of this a while back and I hope that hasn't stopped the proper 
R&S repress and won't confuse things when I come to
get one if it does surface.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guilherme Menegon Arantes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 17 September 2006 04:47
> Anyone know if Mr. Fingers "I'm Strong" and S. Pullen's 
> "Silent Phase - (The Theory Of)" LP are going to be repressed?
> G

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