I spoke to Aaron during the festival weekend and he said that he;s
still living in Kalamazaoo, but that he's also planning to move out
west in the (near) future.


On 9/24/06, Greg Earle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sep 22, 2006, at 8:00 PM, "J.T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> So where is the black nation crew these days?
> i forget but jay, fanon, and d knox are all on myspace..

And since both Diana and Fanon are on my MySpace Friends list,
she can find him there, too  :-)

Fanon's living in the San Fernando Valley with his Mom, but
last time I ran into him he told me he's moving to Prague
next summer.

I don't know anything about Aaron Bennett living out here,
though.  His MySpace page says he's still in Kalamazoo
(but I thought he was really in Chicago these days ... hmmn)
I'll ask Steve Lammers (late of this parish) about it.

        - Greg

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