(up from the depths)

I think I recall the show Diana¹s talking about. Dan Bell, Shake, and Claude
Young all DJ-ed that night. The booth was built on a really dodgy
scaffolding unit that sort of hung in the middle of the warehouse space.

I can't recall the exact name of the event but it had a "revolutionary" sort
of tone/image/vibe.

The Black Nation crew through some great events during that time. I loved
seeing BIOS play live at the party in the gravel pit over off 96 a bit East
of K-zoo... The way they worked the MPC was a revelation to me. I remember
the jacking, minimal beats shredding my torso to the point of submission ...
Then they dropped the loop "There's some hos in this house, if you see 'em
point 'em out" on top of it all, and nearly brought the house down...
Figuratively, as there was only open sky.

Then there was the party they through closer to downtown K-zoo in a really
crappy, tiny, social hall kind of place. It was near a skate shop and they
crammed so much sound into the venue it seemed on the verge of exploding.
I'd not heard Bennet DJ until that night and he played viciously.

What a great crew... Fantastic events, consistent releases, interesting

You're totally right Diana. They should be booked way more often.

(back under)

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