Got one or two nice new pieces Friday including:

Carl Finlow : Count On It EP (7th Sign)

Lindström : Contemporary Fix (Feedelity) - don't always buy his stuff, quite 
simple this but the "Serious Symptoms Version" has a
nice step-sequencey (?) synthetic sound.

Soundhack : Love Jam / Makin' Love (Sound Stream) - ace!

Quentin Harris : Haunted / House (URA) - another of those big club type things, 
maybe a bit overly epic for some situations but fun
in others  ;-)

Luciano / Eat : Bla Bla / Mission Elevator (Diamonds & Pearls) - I'm not sure 
how good this is but I couldn't resist it for the Eat
side which is a little bit mad insofar as it sets of on some repetitive groove 
which is nice but wouldn't have made me buy it,
however halfway through it starts playing around, stopping and starting and 
bringing different elements in then, near the end, it
gets back on a groove - but a different one.  Not a classic vintage but you may 
be tickled by it's presumption.

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