From what I heard, the Rhythim is Rhythim moniker was a printer's error. The Worm Interface label (RIP) was the beneficiary of a similar error. They wanted to be "Warm Interface".
Cyclone Wehner wrote:

I think it started as a printing error. But I am sure there are a few myths surrounding it!

On 03/11/2006, at 3:42 PM, David Gillies wrote:

Guilherme Menegon Arantes wrote:

Hi list,
I just found out something very important. :-) That Derrick May project,
Rhythim Is Rhythim, is actually written with an "i" after the "th". I
always thought it was named rhythm is rhythm, err, without the "i". Funny cause I might have read the labels trillions of times.
So I looked in and Google, and "rhythim" is not on the
first and gives references only to the May project on the second.
So, can any of the english speakers here let me know if "rhythim" is
some sort of slang for "rhythm"?
I still hope May meant "rhythm"... hehehe

I've read somewhere (perhaps in one or two interviews, and perhaps even Techno Rebels) that the "im" in Rhythim Is Rhythim means "Is My"... but then, I reckon I've seen Rhythim is Rhythim spelt atleast 3 different ways. Perhaps its just a nice excuse to cover his @ss for mispelling it in the first place ;-)

So, to answer your question, rhythm spelt "Rhythim" is a Derrick May thing only. Otherwise its just poor spelling.


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