> dutch trance trying to tie itself to Detroit is pretty 
> offensive. Even if it actually sounded like classic Detroit 
> stuff, it would still be pretty lame. that guy should just 
> big-up Leiden or wherever he comes from..
> ps i never get tired of the vision's "one circle"...actually 
> i'm struggling to think of a track from Detroit that 
> namechecks Detroit that I find tiresome...

I ****ing love that Keith Tucker one off "Stick It In Your Ear".

However what I mailed to say was as much as everyone is slagging this one off 
(I'm not into it myself either!) and I mostly agree
with the statement above, if the tune was lame Dutch trance and the lyric was 
"this record owes nothing whatsoever to Detroit" we'd
probably take issue with that too!   ;-)

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