Hi people,

I've been developping a plugin for the foobar2k audio player (http://www.foobar2000.org/).
I thought this could be of interest to some of you.


- tag files using discog data. Retrieve more info than most taggers. Goes to extra length to make sure retrieved data is correct and well formatted
- retrieve all available album art
- flexible tag mapping allows you to write only what you want where you want - use of meta data in tags to display artist / label / release discogs www page - able to later update specified tags and update album art (useful to update rating and fetch new art)

Current version: 0.25
Download: http://bubbleguuum.free.fr/foo_discogs/foo_discogs_0.25.zip
Some needed DLLs if you don't have them (or too old versions): http://bubbleguuum.free.fr/foo_discogs/libcurl.zip. Unpack this in fb2k root directory Screenshot of the plugin in action: http://bubbleguuum.free.fr/foo_discogs/foo_discogs.png Screenshot of fb2k using extensively discogs data: http://bubbleguuum.free.fr/foo_discogs/foo_discogs2.png

Official thread: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=50523
Discogs thread: http://www.discogs.com/forums/topic?topic_id=118729

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