hey, thanks for forwarding my private email to you to the list.  i was
trying to let it die on the list, but you wanna f*ck with me,
obviously. stupid.


On 12/11/06, Nik Stoltzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey you lot! Check this barrage of personal abuse I just got!

I couldn't keep this all to myself. Share the love, as they say. Or maybe they 
*don't* say that?
Maybe they say 'shave the love'. Tom?

> the only thing thats been proven is that you dont know sh!t about US
> street culture. you f*cking poser.
> word is born. hahahahahahahahaha.; stupid ass motherf*cker.
> tmo
> On 12/11/06, Nik Stoltzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >  f*ck you.
>> >
>> > tom
>> >
>> Q.E.D.

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