I think Kent is right. Even current cool cat Lupe Fiasco listens to classical. Derrick May is a big listener of classical - and he's working on that opera project I posted about a while ago. These kind of 'collaborations' are the way forward.

On 29/12/2006, at 5:41 AM, kent williams wrote:

You might be surprised. This is Detroit, after all, and the DSO did
present this event in a context that would suggest that folks at the
DSO see the merits of techno.

My parent's generation -- born in the 30s and 40s -- drank the Koolaid
that is part of their classical training, that classical music is the
pinnacle of music, and everything else is crap.  People of my
generation, and the Gen X, Y, and Z'ers born since, can appreciate and
perform classical music without denying the validity of other forms.

On 12/28/06, David Armin-Parcells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> These prices look ridiculous but they are not even that expensive for
> a classical orchestra. Don't forget that wages for classical
> musicians are high and that a orchestra has a lot of members...
> I doubt if they are aiming for the regular techno lover as their
> audience.

you have a point, but the orchestra will not be there...
and I certainly do not see the blue hair orchestra crowd going to this.

David Armin-Parcells

> KJ
> On 28-dec-2006, at 5:15, David wrote:
> >> $100 for a NYE, with an open bar, in a beautiful venue, with great
> >> people playing sounds aight to me.
> >>
> >> Of course, they would get more of we folks if it was cheaper, and > >> wised-up former ravers and techno kids are what provide the juice at > >> the kind of events I would like. 500 grubby, sweaty people who are > >> totally down with the music beats a couple hundred of people out to
> >> show off their best threads any day.
> >
> > you are correct, but it would be pretty lame to have 100 people in
> > a two
> > room party with 500-700? capacity...
> >
> > David Armin-Parcells
> > www.daimusic.com
> >

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