Mr. May should, like, make some new tracks before he starts working on
an opera.  I'm sure he approaches everything in life with supreme
confidence that he's The Man, but there's a lot of technique and
logistical know-how involved in writing an opera that you don't learn
from being a DJ and producer.  When people go to University for 10
years to learn to be composers they're not just smoking weed and
talking sh1t.

And then there's the matter of what May says, versus what actually
happens. I'm not calling him a liar, just saying that he's a world
champion talker. Like Steve Jobs, he tends to generate his own reality
distortion field.

Not that I wouldn't welcome any new work by the man.  I've thought a
lot about doing an arrangement of "Strings Of Life" for orchestra,
which could be really exciting.  Even though May never studied
classical music, "Strings" has enough drama and variation to work well
as a concert piece.

But then I've been thinking about arranging "Strings" for a long time
and never done anything about it, so I shouldn't probably be dogging

On 12/30/06, Cyclone Wehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think Kent is right. Even current cool cat Lupe Fiasco listens to
classical. Derrick May is a big listener of classical - and he's
working on that opera project I posted about a while ago. These kind
of 'collaborations' are the way forward.

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