Not that this is probably of more than tangential importance to the
313 list but:

This arrest was complete bullsh?t, has caused an Internet and
main-stream-media uproar.  Look on Youtube for the Fox news report on
the arrest -- the whole thing is a trumped up pile of poo.

I'd be scared if DJ Drama was some punk, but the guy has powerful
friends, and can afford big, mean lawyers.  Everyone involved in this
bust is going to end up looking like the worthless chimps they are --
The RIAA, the ATL Police,  the George DCI, and those pinheads from Fox
who did the ridiculous news report about it.  Seriously.  This case is
going to be the RIAA's worst PR nightmare.  They're treating someone
who is actually a SIGNED artist as a criminal, someone who has sold
more records for them than their own advertising and promotional

For the RIAA to even push for this is ridiculous.  It just shows how
the big 4 1/2 Entertainment Companies are committing commercial
suicide in public.  If they all died tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear.
Big media conglomerates are vampires. They kill culture, they don't
create it.  They steal money from their artists, they treat their
customers like criminals, and the music they release is almost all
awful.   They have no future, they have no clue, and they're going

On 1/19/07, David Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kent, this is serious and it's not the RIAA who will be on trial, it's
not even being charged as copyright infringement - they are charging
them with a felony violation of Georgia's Racketeering Influenced
Corrupt Organization law(known as RICO). For those who don't know,
these are the laws normally used to prosecute the mob and organized
crime. This is really a police state type move in my opinion, and much
more serious than the RIAA just suing people.

On 1/19/07, kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Record Industry Bad. Tell me something we don't know.
> I hope DJ Drama goes to trial on this because he'll make chimps out of the 
> That's one thing about liking techno -- you don't have to hold your
> nose and buy major label releases, because there are none.
> On 1/19/07, David Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dont know if anyone else has seen this
> >
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> > BT
> >

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