On 2/7/07, robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, Third Ear are about to release this soon aren't they? In 5 eps
throughout the year, any sign of the first? And is it any good?

While we're talking Third Ear, interesting view on DRM on their myspace too:


Yikes, hate to say it, but the ideas presented in that blog I found
very disturbing. Why would the copyright holder have greater rights
than the consumer, particular when it comes to privacy? I don't want a
record company or artist having my personal details and contacting me
just because I bought their mp3 from Beatport!!! I should be the one
contacting them, if and when I choose, not the other way around.

Not to mention, that if some government decided certain copyrighted
materials were politically dangerous, the technology would be in place
to track those who bought them...


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