Hi Francis,

im pretty sure that the Pacou mix came from the
discogs forum initially - I had a quick search and can
find reference to the mix but not a tracklisting, im
sure that with a bit more digging you will get it
there or on Little Detroit.


> Title says it all really.
> I've said on this list before I seem to spend all my
> time listening to clips of new 12"s at record shop
> sites.  Often with little
> reward as there doesn't seem that much good new
> stuff out to justify doing that, instead of what I
> should be, which is: 
> 1.  Listening to the good records I did actually buy
> but am too busy listening to clips of more stuff to
> have actually played.
> 2.  Listening to mixes I'd enjoy - and which when I
> actually do I generally get more exposure to good
> records I haven't heard and
> should set about buying (albeit 2nd hand and a bit
> harder to track down) than I do from shops.
> So the only time I seem to do 2 above is when I'm on
> holiday.  After a month in Cuba last year I found a
> load of stuff I want to
> know about off those Deep Space Radio shows from a
> bit back.  I came on here and said I'd cut and post
> clips.  But surprise,
> surprise as soon as I'm back in the UK working,
> going out and listening to [EMAIL PROTECTED] shop's mailouts
> I've no time.  Now I've come back
> from a month in Brazil with more stuff I've heard on
> my mp3 player and want to know what it is and buy!
> My only hope in the most pressing of these cases, 2
> tracks from a mix of C2 stuff by Pacou called
> "Pacou_-_CarlCraigWorks", is that
> rather than me having to get round to posting clips
> someone else knows this mix (I can't remember if I
> got it off here or somewhere
> else) and can tell me what the tracks at about 53
> and 58 mins are.  They sandwich one of the well
> known 69 tracks from R&S (though I
> can't remember which one now) which is on around 55
> mins.  Anyone got a tracklist for this mix?  I was
> frightened when I listened to
> it as I went in thinking "oh yeah I'll know
> everything on this since I'm a C2 man but it'll be
> nice to lay in this hammock listening
> to one classic after another" only to find quite a
> few I didn't know.  The two I'm after are hot.

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