I'm not sure that pleasing the few to whom this will make a difference qualifies as a 'great reward'.
A good thing, yes.
It's always a great time and you can't please everyone.
Go - or don't.
Can't see all the falderal when the lineup isn't fully announced nor inevitable changes made. There's always bickering over the lineup (I have my favorite years as well) and it always means the same thing in the end, in my ears. Of course the lineup is important, but the fest is more than that (easy for me to say it, I realize, as it's a 25 minute drive for me...).


to be honest though, there was good reason to be skeptical after some
of the bookings last year. and theres still more than enough room for
them to screw this year's up. but if they keep this kind of approach
to their bookings, i think theyll be greatly rewarded.

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