Robert Armani is dead. The Breakeuphoria team has learned today of Robert Armani's death on the 25/02/07. Since it is not possible to find out if the news is true or just a sick joke, the event planned for the 23rd of March that was to host Robert Armani as the main guest is suspended or in anycase postponed until further notice. We will share any further information as soon as we receive them.

I will try to find out here in Rome where he has many connections.
If true, this is sad news for us romans - RA was extremely seminal and influential for the techno scene here.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronny Pries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "313" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: (313) Robert Armani R.I.P.???

Any italians around who may translate?

"ROBERT ARMANI IS DEAD. il Team Breakeuphoria ha appreso oggi della scomparsa di Robert Armani avvenuta il 25/02/07. nell'impossibilità di accertare se la notizia si vera oppure sia soltanto uno scherzo di cattivo gusto e non avendo avuto più notizie. la serata del 23 Marzo che doveva avere come ospite principale Robert Armani è stata sospesa o comunque posticipata a data da confermare. se ci perverrano altre notizie le renderemo disponibili"


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