In the same series was Dan Bell's fine "The Button Down Mind of Daniel Bell". I think he copped that name from an old Bob Newheart comedy record, right?


-----Original Message-----
From: David Beattie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 08 March 2007 09:53

Herbert - We All Make Mistakes

What a great CD that is (ac-shually "Letsallmakemistakes"?).
Glitch before glitch became hackneyed.
And although it's been done to death since I don't think it's been bettered.
When I first heard it around 99 (not sure when it came out but it was round 
then) I just thought (living in a rural area where I
didn't get to go to big clubs much and when I did tended to go for something more on 
the straight 313 tip) "wow imagine if I was in
a club hearing this......I'd go completely nuts".
Maybe that's what I'll be doing at Convextion tonight  :-)

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