On 3/26/07, robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hmmm possibly, but we're moving toward a situation where more tech is
used in every area of life and music (production, performance) isn't
an exception.

not every area of life requires creativity to be the focus! look at
what the prevalence of photoshop has done, it hasnt made graphic
design better, in fact, it has made it worse IMO. people who have no
idea what looks good can now make something with "professional"
appearance aside from the fact that it is laid out poorly and is not
coherent. the things that make something effective are not dictated by
technology, in fact they almost dont change at all.

part of this is because the price of tech is tumbling but part of it
is some of the creative possibilities made available by this
technology are very attractive.

but my problem is even with the "creative possibilities" that are made
available. sound design is all well and good, i appreciate what it can
do for music and texture, but when that is the only area that
creativity is applied to, your tracks are going to be sorely lacking.
and i believe that is apparent in the stuff we're seeing now....


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