"Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/12/2007 09:44:39

> On 4/12/07, Anton Banks (www.antonbanks.com) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On the other hand though, I played at a museum a while back. It was
> > good except for the handful of people asking for stuff which obviously
> > didn't fit in with what I was playing. I've looked at playing in places
> > that as a challenge to get a handfull of people to dance even though
> > not necessarily why they went there. Besides, certain settings can put
> > in a position where you are the first person to play "techno" to a
> > audience.
> playing in spots like museums and art galleries and the like is always
> pretty nice, you can get totally crazy if you want to and it is all
> good.
> essentially, you can decide if a non-club gig is gonna be interesting
> just by figuring out the reason they want you to be there. if its to
> be an artist or to enhance/create mood or atmosphere, its good. if
> they want to lure people in to buy product by appearing "hip", its bad
> news.
> tom

I probably see most restaurants around here as being in the later category.
Hence my revulsion.


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