Visuals for the 2001 fest were done by groovejet with massive product placement from Ford.

On May 6, 2007, at 11:36 PM, Arturo Lopez wrote:

Kind of a random question:

I'm wondering if anyone happens to know who was hired to do the visuals around the Heart Plaza bowl for some of the early DEMF's? Memory is a bit hazy as to the specific year but I'd be looking for the production crews that did any of the festivals between 2001-2004. I remember one year in
particular where the projections around the Heart Plaza bowl were
particularly excellent (anyone remember the images of the chiquita banana lady switching from happy/scary in a stacatto fashion?) and I would love to
get in touch with those responsible/see more of their work.

Anyway, any help would be great.


matt kane's brain
aim -> mkbatwerk

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