You're right, the release is "DJ friendly", it is provided with loops and parts
of the main track (The Tempest) and all tracks/loops/parts are 'Abletoin Live
Ready', this mean that you can directly play the material in an Ableton DJ set
without having to adjust settings, it's already in the right tempo, the right
pitch, more... It's 320 kbps material, so, can be easily burn on CD's for dj's
using CD's, etc...

I have recorded a sort of 'example' here :

Now, out of a DJ context, we provides graphics, customer support (yes, yes,
support...we call it 'Wildtek Concept Supporters Privileges) and it's why our
releases are also for non dj listenners who are looking for high quality techno
music. And there Gareth provided us the 'top of the top' recordings, as a dj, I
receive tons of unreleased cd's, mp3's and I've been rarely impressed like I've
been with Gareth's music.

I stop my guerilla marketing here guys ;-)

Just want to say thanks a lot for the interest about the release, the numerous
visits on our website, thanks for the words about Gareth music, all of this let
us know we're on the right way and give us force for releasing even more good
things next times.

Peace and have all a wonderfull weekend.

Dimitri Pike

Dimitri Pike

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