Isn't it possible to the the I-F and Po Na Na events. I thought the
first was a day time session.

Hope so anyway...

Serge and Dexter in Clone night at Harter St. Friday - think I'm going.
Me at Nish Nash Nosh Saturday (OK this has nothing to do with the Netherlands).
I.F. at an Italian restaurant Sunday - might have to miss this as the lure of 
Maurice Fulton, Kathy Diamond and Tirk at PoNaNa will
be too much (and also Alex Bond, who, I guess, will be mighty frustrated to be 
DJing somewhere the same night I.F. is playing).
Who's at any of these?  Or anything else I don't know about?  There's a great 
deal on this weekend (which gives some solace for
those not flying off you know where).  If you like breaking don't miss Benji Reed's 
"Life Of A B-Boy" play / dance type thing
Greenroom 6pm Sunday.

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