On 5/25/07, David Armin-Parcells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

there are indeed buses and taxis avaiable downtown by hart plaza, but cabs
are scarce outside of the downtown area, especially @ 5am

You really must have a car to get around in Detroit, or know someone
with a car, you may be pretty screwed. And this does cause drunk
driving - in my own case, I'm quite embarrased about driving to the
burbs after the UR cabaret party (4 years ago?). But it's not like I
could live my car there. I can't believe I didn't get pulled over!

Anyone who might venture away from downtown, try to make friends with
someone from the D who has a car. As a backup, I would suggest you get
the number of a cab company that will pick you up, and make sure you
have access to a cell phone. Even downtown I've been stranded with no
cab in sight for over two hours. But you can usually get picked up,
though it may take up to an hour.

The buses also don't run at night... and the bus drivers did indeed
walk out Wednesday, so the situation is very shaky. Be careful riding
the buses: the bus drivers walked out, because they want cops to ride
the buses, because driving them has become so dangerous. According to
yahoo news: "Gaffney said drivers are regularly assaulted physically
and verbally abused aboard the buses. One driver was badly beaten on
Tuesday evening by a passenger, he added."


I can vouch for the danger of the buses: I lived downtown (on
Woodward) for a very short time once, and got a short term job at the
Detroit Zoo. I used the bus to get there. I saw a guy get in the bus
driver's face and threaten to shoot him. Luckily some helpful bus
riders managed to grab the guy and threw him out the door.


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