On 6/27/07, J.T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

haha you are crazy.

i never said i wasnt.

says who? are you kidding? i didnt even control how i was marketed with
mo'wax/platinum projects, hence, they spelled my name wrong

so you didnt sign with them in the first place? if you wanted to be
marketed in a specific way, you could have bypassed all of that by not
signing on the dotted line. simple as that.

how do we control who our crowds are? i wish!

well, if you are a house and techno deejay, and youre being booked in
a city to play a club that plays ironic hipster music, surely you
could just turn the gig down?

ahh the "right" way! who do i get ahold of for this?

anyone who has a conscience and isnt into ripping off cultures.

you're a joke with this hater stuff man.


gimme a break. surprise tom -- in general party music is popular. including in 

maybe with the ironic white hipsters there.

i'm talking about all your talk about the "real" artists not playing/making the 
same sort of
stuff as spank/ayres hence they are not credible on da streets and deserve no 
it's your whole point as far as i can tell

i never said anything about streets. theyre not creidble in the
culture they claim to be part of. that means theyre nothing.

come on!! these aren't soul-less 60 year old record producers making this stuff 
to cash in,
it's people who heard the music and honestly loved it. neither ayres nor spank 
just walked
into major label deals either! come on!

so if theyre not on majors they cant be making money off of somethign
thats not theirs?

i've heard plenty of the real stuff, LOADS AND LOADS of it SUCKS!! SUCKS HARD!

none of it sucks as much as spank rock or t&a. not a single track.

can you please distinguish how he came from hiphop culture any more than ayres

el-p released indie hiphop with company flow years and years before
indie hiphop was anything:


before it made money, before anyone gave a sh*t that guy was there.
these guys showed up last week trying to cash in on the hipster
popularity of local black musics so they can get paid.

and is
it really necessary to distinguish hiphop from bmore from house etc etc? so if 
who is a dope hiphop producer falls in love with house, they can know to stay 
because they are not "real"?

hiphop and house and club culture are all closely related. plenty of
people make both and participate in both cultures.

what sorts of things?

cultural appropriation.

race is sometimes an issue, but why is it here?

because in balitmore, the artists and crowds for club music are
traditionally all black. now suddenly there's this alternate club
music being made and listened to by white hipsters because its ironic
to like something so "ghetto" or whatever.

why would it be so
different if spank rock were all black instead of 1/2 black?

it wouldnt matter if they were purple if they were down with the
culture. but theyre not so it doesnt matter.

and you are leaving out the rest
of the damn globe. all this hispanic hiphop, kuduro, baile, kwaito, on and 
on..i guess
because they arent white, their massive inspiration from hiphop culture is a 

you can add your own influence to something else. hiphop culture is
all over the globe now, and it has been mutated and added on to. i
personally think all of this stuff sucks, but at least it is being
done by people who live that culture as best as it is done in their
country. spank rock and t&a live down the street, theyre spectators to
a culture they then represent.


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