I'm not entirely sure who it is you think missed the opportunity.
They showed that ad a lot, and if anyone watching TV thought 'wow what
is that?' they could have hit the internet to find out.   I'm sure
there is someone out there that saw that commercial and was turned on
to the music, but that happened before licensing music for a
commercial became a big deal.  Now every band's dream is to sell a
track for a commercial, and their CDs go out with stickers that say

That was also when people thought a half million people were showing up at DEMF.

I'm not sure the US is ever going to take Techno out of the
underground.  All the American artists making the music make most of
their money overseas. The majority of Americans are so musically
conservative that Radiohead is considered edgy for using electronic
percussion.  Most Americans are turned off by any music that doesn't
feature a prominent vocal.

On 6/29/07, Generator Music <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nevermind rolling stones or spin....what about that Ford commercial???

I personally thought it was the Jackie Robinson moment for Detroit Techno,
the break this music was waiting for.  I thought it was the greatest thing
ever to happen to this music and it was a sign of things to come for this
music ACROSS the board.  But nooooooo, mugs' egos and the lack of
foresight by everyone, including the audience ruined it.  And none of it
was Ford's fault either.  So basically we all saw what happened if this
music TRIED to leave the underground.

It still kills me to this day of that missed opportunity.


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