It must be that I'm not intelligent enough to understand this humour...

-----Original Message-----
From: Wojtek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 July 2007 20:33
To: 313
Subject: (313) Techno Funnies :o)

 Nicked from No-Future, funny and sad :-)

1. If you have some money to spend, feel free to bring lots of cocaine
and ketamine. Don't splurge it all on the actual party , as the after
party is where you drugs count - expect to be feeding your favourite
minimal DJ's with tons of nose candy until late the next day. Be sure
you can hang.

2. If you have a nice big flat and don't mind it being temporarily
used as a crack house, be sure to offer it to your favourite minimal
DJ before he or she leaves their respected party - be aware that you
will most likely have no say on who actually attends the after party,
but rest assure you are on your way to becoming a minimal hypster.

3. The haircut is very important, although it is very important - you
must not let this be the DEFINING aspect. For tips on hypster
haircuts, check on the internet for the latest pictures of Magda - be
sure the photo is hot and up to date, as this commandment rotates
about every 2 weeks - by that time there is thousands with the same

4. Underrated but very serious in your quest to minimal hyperstardom
is the minimal scarf. Normally used by French artists say to the world
"hey I am an artist, shuchameblah" this is now a sure-fire way to let
everyone else know - hey I am down with the minimal sound. Current
minimal hypsters who sport the minimal scarf include Luciano, Ricardo,
Richie, Magda, Troy and Marc Houle.

5. If you ever have the chance to meet Rich Hawtin, when talking with
him - make sure you agree with everything he says and most importantly
REPEAT. If you do not have the pleasure of meeting him personally, but
have a friend who has - just repeat to everyone what your friend has
told you he said. If they are a true minimal hypster they will surely
repeat their whole conversation anyway. With people such as Troy
Pierce, Magda, Ricardo Villalobos, Luciano, this same rule applies to
a lesser degree, but still enough to get you on your way.

6. This one is very important, forget about your health and live for
the moment. You must be willing to take as many drugs as your
favourite minimal superstar DJ. As long as your are willing to party
until the last moment on a broad combination of drugs all at the same
time, such as Ketamine, Mdma, lots and lots of cocaine, speed, LSD and
the occasional mushrooms you will surely be accepted and furthermore
run the possibility of being admired. You can never imagine the power
of totally ruining your body and mind in the conquest to being a
minimal hype star.

7. This one is simple! Keep it superficial. Under no circumstances
should you have a conversation with some depth or meaning. Recommended
topics of discussion are haircuts, the newest minus record, how cool
magda is, how much drugs Ricardo took the night before, how cool the
current party is, and how amazing of a musician Luciano is. Just tell
yourself over and over, this is not actually being superficial - it's
just being minimal.

8. Sex, Sex, Sex - in the minimal hypster world you should never
expect to get laid before 48 hours of straight partying. Even if you
have a special liking for that certain someone, keep in mind that if
they too are an aspiring minimal hypster like yourself they will most
definitely be at that after-hours, and where better place to get down
to sexual business. (This is the time when taste, memory and morals
are all flushed down the toilet) if you are a female, this is the time
where you chances are highest of scoring with your favourite minimal
superstar DJ, therefore immediately catapulting yourself into minimal
stardom.(most of the time you will just settle for someone who knows
Rich Hawtin).

9. Be sure to constantly read the writing of PHILIP SHERBURNE - he is
the man who will always keep you informed on the newest and best hype
LUCIANO, ROBAG WRUHME AND MUTEK CREW IS. He is literally the man to go
to if you want to be fed with the minimal hype. Although it seems as
if he is desperately trying to fit in and be accepted, everyone should
realize HE HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCPETED. He just loves his role as
minimal hypster so much that he wants to spread the love. As with Rich
Hawtin the same rule applies to Mr. Sherburne, everything he writes or

minimal hypestar, one of the easiest ways is to come to Berlin with no
plan and frequent places such as the famous drug spots like bar25,
club de visionarie and panoramabar. It is these locations in which
your minimal fantasies become realities - expect to see people like
Rich Hawtin, Matt John, Konrad Black, Troy Pierce and Magda totally
out of their minds and much more easy to approach. It is here that you
can forge those life long, superficial - I mean minimal relationships.
These rules are meant in no specific order - ONE MORE GOLDEN RULE!
Don't forget minus is the best label to surface in the last decade
with its revolutionary stance on music. Almost as if they coined the
term minimal

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