>Assembled 01/02 is just an average Eevolute release in my opinion.
>A few breathtaking tracks but many forgetable ones as well. Most
>of the Florence tracks are good and the Wladimir M. tracks arent
>(mainly because of the spoken word vocals in most of his tracks).
>Some highlights from this one are the Peter Ford remix of Florence's
>The Vineyard (an Ifachy gem), Florence's The Vineyard Reprise,
>and Florence's A Touch of Heaven (a classic that has appeared on
>several other comps/releases including Agenda 21).

I second the recommendation of "The Vinyard". Great track. Not sure about
the rest, but you may just want to try to track down that single.

"FrogboyMCI" on AOL Instant Messenger

New mix, "Propper Techno" online now. New Album, "The Quebequois", soon to

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