I'm sure I'm going to be yet another person saying
this, but YES! These are two of the absolute classic
techno 12"s and probably some of the best the Lowlands
has and will ever put up, and to be compiled on one CD...wow!

I'm forgetting who it was but I'm fairly certain it was Stuart of
4th World/Diskono who at one point put it best when he said
that these 12"s could make a grown man cry (and he said at
the time they were his favorite 12"s, although I'm sure his taste
has since changed). Some of the best techno from Europe in
both the emotional and the technical sense, proving that the
two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

If you check the Eevolute website you can hear some Real Audio.
Definitely as essential as Agenda 21, maybe even more so!
Also considering these 12"s can fetch some exorbitant prices it's
awesome to see Eevolute not only reissuing them on CD but keeping
the CD in print (if other labels did even only the former). 


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