Hi all,

Just thought I'd drop a quick note about the "We Like You Humans" party that occurred on Saturday in Detroit. The lineup included Heather Hart, Adam X, Twonz, Murat, and Kenny Glasgow, among others. There was a fair amount of hype for this party, since it was the first large primarily techno party in Detroit in a couple of years.

So, on to my opinions:

SPACE: I'll spare too many comments about the space. Suffice to say that the location used is probably the most overused space in Detroit history.

SOUND/LIGHTING: Lighting and sound were just slightly better than average for a Detroit event. God I miss Burst! Mike/Sam/Brian, PLEASE agree to do parties again!

Heather started off great, then got loopy and repetitive. She seemed to bump the tables a lot, then look suprised. Not full of wrecks or anything, but I expected better from someone who has been around that long.

Adam X was better, and had some focus and direction to his set. I have one major complaint though: he rides the mixer continually every time I see him. There was no discernable motion to the L.E.D's at all - just peaked in the red. The compressors were not sufficient to clean up the dirty signal he was providing, so the bass sounded distorted the entire time. He was under the influence of something, maybe just drunk - but he was slurring his words when in conversations, and his mixing was sloppier than I'm accustomed to seeing from him.

Twons & Murat were right out of 1996/97. It was as if I had left Detroit for a vacation and came back home. Although I don't like their track selection personally, it was still like a time capsule for me. Murat was NOT having a good time, though. They were in the second room, where the equipment was more substandard, and if you were talking to a friend within a row or so of people away, he could hear you and be distracted.

By 3:00 I was ready to leave. I decided to wait for Kenny Glasgow to go on, and at least catch a little of his set before giving up and heading home. At 3:30 am, Kenny came on, and took us to SCHOOL! This was absolutely excellent, and I wish I had more techno background so that I could discuss specific tracks. I couldn't tear myself away from the decks to dance for more than a few minutes at a time, before returning to watch a few mixes. The crowd really woke up for this man, and the whole party was made worthwhile for me & my friends, all in this 1.5 hours. Wanna hear about tracks? Ask Derek Plaslaiko - he was dancing his ASS off for the entire time, and came up front after to bug Kenny and share grins with all of us who had been so impressed.

All in all not a bad night. Two years ago, I would've said it wasn't a very good party at all - but compared to the current state of parties in Detroit, this was one of the better ones. Certainly the best of 2000 so far, IMHO.


PLURkids Productions
Info 734.913.9672
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