> -Race/ Culture and who owns music. Hey i don't get this?, no race culture
> owns music, music has no colour.

Music has no colour -

would be true, if the music would be as "free and individual"

as people try to sell this artform -

but music is made by humans (most times - otherwise aliens

as martians or alien artform or sun ra :D )

but - 

humans are having their roots in different culturez

and most of the music has it origins in the culturez

even all individual outstanding artists do have their sources

that were there b4 - and you can hear it when you

will take some time to research -

one xample for the african roots in music:

much modern music and much Detroit techno works with the paradox

effect of the syncope -

this effect and the meaning of the syncope is a very strong

magical and deep effect - (mathematicaly also interesting)

the means you have two time lines starting from the same point

but still in realtion to each another -

two time dimensions running at the same time -

you can´t resist when this starts working on you !

it has a religious effect

Bach used to have this in his music too but he didn´t develope it to

a point that you could compare it with african tribe patterns

the complex syncope in the pattern is coming from the culture

of african tribes 

and is working sometimes stronger deeper sometimes less in

all modern music "pop, rock, trance ...etc -

now there´s much more of those fundamental elements coming from black

culture in the modern music -

Africa and African tribes do not profit on having worked out various complex

patterns with various religious effects and many other elements in music

culture, but the sons and daughters of the culture who were slaved

and shipped and brought to america, england, jamaica etc...

they still have kept some of the basic knowledge of this highest level

developed music culture ...

and kept on developing it - (blues, gospel, jazz, rocknroll, reggae,

so much more was created under stongest influence of this tradition,

and was mainly again developed by by black people ...)

The "european music culture" used to make "listening music"

over many centurys and didn´t take care to innovate and develope

the tribal music-culture on a serious level

(incl participation (dancing, singing) and communication)

so they started to steal the elements of the opressed black cuture,

but also rarely understood what was the source) -

the thing is that the european culture is full of certain

"elitist individualism philosophy and the calculating ego mind"

"isolation of the individualz- effect", that does reject the

view to the sources

I´m not going to tell you that Mozart, Vivaldi, Ravel, Gershwin

haven´t done great nice music too with good intensions too

they also do have their influences on the music nowadays -

but if you step into music culture you will see, that the innovators

and basic creators with substance of the music we hear and dance

to nowadays have the main ingrediants and roots created in Africa

and by the sons and daughters of Africa

try to see this in the context of the opression, that is still

continuing on a more silent level and

then you should understand why you can´t come along

with the simple argument - music has no colour -

music of many colours  -

the main ingrediant nowadays has got it´s roots in black culture

and the more you see this the more you will wonder how little

people want to see and know about it



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