It's simply nice to hear you say you actually like Detroit techno and >for that matter, techno after your unfavourable comments on the same.

I_have_never_once_made_negative_comments_about_techno. Not one single time. I have made comments about people who find themselves to be techno elite, and they're horribly arrogant and vain attitudes that causes them to feel like they are far above normal humans. but i have never, nor will i ever, pretend that techno is not my love.

More importantly, it's very heartening to hear you say something >courteous about Juan Atkins after many so many posts punctuated with >expletives and near-virulent abuse of the man.

when did i ever say ANYTHING bad about juan? the only thing that i've said about the man directly is that he simply does not show up for gigs. I haven't perpetuated the rumors as to why, or posted my own theories. His choice for not showing up to signed shows may be his choice, but it affects *me* and my choice to pay to see him. but i haven't said anything else negative about him once. feel free to reread anything that i said, and if you can find direct quoetes that contradict what i just said, feel free to correct me.

but he's a man who many here have a great and deep
respect for.

many people all over the world love and adore the man. He is an icon. And *that* is my point.

But your mode of expression is so venomous at times
it more than verges on the insulting.

that's because at times its meant to be insulting.

I seem to remember that you're famous around here too, for your 'stupid
nigger' remark.

as someone posted earlier, you obviously took that comment WAY out of context, as i explained FULLY why i made that comment in the next paragraph.

is that your deliberate aim is to insult artists and list
members and as I said elsewhere, anyone who doesn't agree with you.

people find it insulting when someone disagrees with them, especially strongly. I can say the same thing about people on this list; i post my opinion, they disagree with it, and everyone's panties get soaked.

This is quite apart from the fact that you are wasting your time and >will eventually be simply ignored. To be ignored is no great shame. >Except when you wish to use the list as a resource that is.

Why is it that when someone doesn't post on a daily basis, they must not being using the list? I read every single post made to this list, and i find them all highly valuable. I only post on subjects that i feel the need to post on.

net impresson many
have about you and your your views, until now, has been a negative one.

negative only because i disagree with what they say. Its interesting, because my main arguement is a positive one: just enjoy the music, and let the bullshit slide. people on this list have a duality when it comes to techno; they despise mainstream music, yet they want their techno superstars to BE the mainstream. one or the other kids.

Anyway, do what you like. My greatest pleasure today is simply >prompting you to say something (anything frankly) that's positive!

why do i feel that your email is unbelievably sarcastic?

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