Personally, I've never sampled more than a single tone/note from
anybody else's production.

For me, its a learning thing . . . too many producers will just sample
something complicated instead of learning how to make it themselves. I
don't know that those musicians are cheating their audience
necessarily, but I do think that they can inadvertently cheat

I'm a visual artist too (well, primarily), and even though tracing is
often an ethical way to start a piece, its something I've never, ever
done.  I don't want to just copy a subject, or use its essence, I want
to /understand/ it and make it my own . . . to me, that's what
progress is.  Both on a personal level, and a cultural one.

word to all that, and i wish i could say the same (Well i never trace tho!) but i do sample, because sometimes i want guitars, and i dont play no stinkin guitar
sometimes sampling is necessary, even if you are an artsy idealist :P

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