On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually, and I know you were joking around but, I thought what Tom said is
> true and I appreciated him saying it. Electro-pop isn't really electro -
> it's just electronic pop and has more to do with Hi-NRG as far as I'm
> concerned than any true electro funk/breaks sound. That is what gets my
> goat though. People are confusing it with electro. Some of the electro-pop
> I love but lots of it is clearly sound of the month for some artists.

The whole Electro-clash thing is very fashionable now in New York; and
a lot of those acts are a lot of fun and have unique musical twists.
But when you talk about music, you need to separate fashion from artistic
value;  Electro-clash will be the flavor of choice among the tragically
hip for a while; Johnny Depp will hire Miss Kitten to DJ at his $5000/month
Paris flat, yadda yada.

But fashion is fickle, and fashion doesn't always reward merit.  Stuff
like Adult, Ectomorph, Drexciya, Japanese Telecom, etc will always be great
music, but it won't always be fashionable.

Right now, where I live, techno and house music are no longer that popular.
3 years ago we could get 300 nutters out to hear local DJs, and now I can
bring in internationally known artists and DJs and be lucky to get 150 people
through the door.  Which means I'm no longer as enthusiastic about promoting
as I once was, but it doesn't change how I feel about the music.  It just
means we'll go back to the basement with a couple of turntables and do our
thing for the 50 heads who really appreciate the music.

The big thing right now is Hip Hop shows -- local guys can draw 200 people,
and national and international acts can pack places.  There's also a dress
to impress bar that has a Chicago commercial house DJ that's packing them in.
Whatever.  The other big draw, strangely enough, is anything experimental or
extreme.  It's a college town, go figure.

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