PL>>And I just had a thought that perhaps this is another reason why
electro-pop is blowing up- because they always have singers (and often
good-looking women for maximum audience response from predominantly-male
music-geek community - adult, miss kitten, peaches, chix on speed :)

I think you have a point there Peter...

I went to see Kitten and The Hacker here in NYC at Fun not too long ago and
I have to say that while technically it was the most boring PA I think I
have ever seen the crowd really seemed to get off on it.  I would definitely
say having Kitten up there was a factor in the crowd reaction.  I enjoyed it
too as I am a big fan of both Kitten + The Hacker,  but I mean it lasted
maybe 15 or 20 minutes,  Hacker seemed to have everything stored in
something the crowd couldn't even see (they were up on a tall platform kinda
thing),  and I swear after the song started and he had tweaked one or two
knobs the man basically just stood there.  Gotta say Ulysses' electro>DEEP
House>Techno and back again set made the night...that and hearing Frank
Sinatra performed live;-)

I have always enjoyed PAs in intimate spaces more than those in bigger
The best PA I saw last year was Joel Mull at Guernica.  I was sitting (with
fellow 313ers Pete Grammenos and Alex Lugo) about 2 feet from Joel for the
first 15 minutes of his set and it was really cool to watch him punch
patterns into the MPC virtually non-stop.  I would have loved to watch him
through his entire set but I had to get up and get down along with the rest
of the crowd.  Yeah that's right people DANCING during a PA!!;-)  BTW...this
was in the early morning hours of September the Eleventh 2001.  To go from
the high of that night to the low of later that morning was quite a



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