Shake's "Assimilated" 12" from 2000 has never failed to blow my mind.
Not once. I've tried to listen to it casually but it's impossible. It
always grabs me and I have to stare at the speakers or something.

Does frictional have a webpage, by the way?


On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Jonny McIntosh wrote:

> > Does Shake ever disappoint? Frictionalized and
> > your little black robot have been staples in my
> > sets/mixtapes for the past few months. I beleive
> > that shake is one of the more underrated prodcers
> > out there.He may not be as popular as some, but
> > his tracks are timeless. Waiting for Russell, and
> > tracks for my father still kill each time I hear
> > them.
> Definitely. Shake's out on his own and, to my mind, the best example of
> techno as modern jazz. Maybe not in sound, but definitely in spirit, which
> is more important anyway. I'm still looking for a copy of "Waiting For
> Russell", so if anyone's got a spare...
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