----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Anya Stang'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "James Bucknell"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: (313) to move or not to move.

> I think you have a point here but sometimes you really have to confront
> you percieve as bulls**t and pretension with strong language. A debate
> should be lively and not preceded with endless disclaimers about each
> person's respect for the other and their right to hold an opinion - isn't
> dishonest, after all, to say you respect someone elses point of view, when
> you quite clearly hold it in contempt?

I completely get where you're coming from, but if I'm reading Jeff
correctly, I think the reason there were so many disclaimers is precisely to
try and avoid as many disagreements as possible through a
sometimes-ineffective medium. To talk to him in person these would not be
necessary. If you get flamed most times you post, it seems reasonable to
hedge your comments. I've been on a dancefloor next to Jeff and I really
don't think if you saw him clearly responding to the music without dancing
that you would think he wasn't feelin' it, or that he shouldn't be there
grooving alongside you and I.

I think the other side of this is that you can dance and look like a
complete baffoon, even if you're feeling it completely, in a visceral
uninhibited way, and maybe bring down the crowd a bit because you look too
spastic (self-implication fully intended). I think the argument should be
made that some people (me) should maybe dance a little bit less. Hopefully
we can all agree that I should sit down and shut up, rather than shut up and
dance, and not make another thread out of *that*. Any complaints can be
directed off-list please. :)

Text/Mixes: http://phonopsia.tripod.com
Music: http://www.mp313.com

New Mix in mp3, 'Live in Iowa City' available for
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