Since this thread talks about war and guns, I also recommend that everyone go see Michael Moore's new-ish film "Bowling For Columbine". That one is a real kick in the head.


Grammenos, Peter wrote:

It's feasible considering that when the us embassy was bombed in Sudan (99),
we refused to have the two al queda suspects extradited to the US along
with voluminous information on the al queda terrorist network which in
hindsight would have most probably helped prevent the attacks. CIA called
it the biggest intelligence blunder ever.

Sorry for the OT . This stuff gets me all riled up.

-----Original Message-----
From: J. T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:41 AM
Subject: (313) Fwd: Re: ot politics

last i'll say -- PLEASE read this if you haven't read it already. PLEASE.

if you dont wanna read an intro here's the link:

grabbed off Global Darkness..:
The cover of either the Daily News or the Post (I can't keep them straight)

here in New York had a headline after the "Predator" aircraft took out those guys in Yemen that simply said "ZAP!" Isn't that messed up? Everyone and their mothers in America right now should read "1984" and then take a very critical look at the Bush administration and the mainstream media.

Speaking of which, Gore Vidal published a screed in the Observer (a Sunday paper published in the UK) entitled "The Enemy Within," that claimed Bush had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and allowed them to happen in order to justify a Central Asian war, leading to U.S. control of oil resources throughout the region.

You can read the full 7,000-word essay here:

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