that's an excellent thing to read, sean --

the media coverage of 8 Mile, even well beyond Detroit, has been really outrageous. Witness the appearance of Eminem on the cover of last Sunday's New York Times Magazine. The studios couldn't *pay* to get that kind of treatment. And I have to say, the Times article not only made me want to see the movie, but my wife, who's not usually real interested in **anything** from the hip-hop side of the world, wants to go, too.

So it's good to hear a positive review here. And it's great that the plot doesn't get all Hollywood.


so. I went to see 8Mile yesterday (okay. first showing on opening day. I
know. I'm a geek :^). It's actually a much better movie than I expected it
to be, and it doesnt end with the typical Hollywood ending I was expecting
either. It actually breaks away from the "Purple Rain" formula hinted at by
the trailers. From the trailers for the movie, 8Mile looked like it would be
a "rags to riches" slash "boy meets girls" story, but instead delivers an
"artist coming out of his shell and into his own" story. Whatever your
feelings about Marshall are, this movie has its moments of brilliance only
when he's on screen doing what he does best: rhyming. I dare anyone not the
cheer him on at the movies finale.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313 Detroit" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: (313) 8-Mile

I have an interview CD from Universal Music and he elaborates and says he
never liked techno, and remembers it all over Detroit radio, etc, so he
knows what he's talking about. He says it's his personal taste - not that
he's 'anti-techno' just that he never got into it.
It's a shame he can't differentiate Moby from Mills, but...
Have to give Eminem props for his production, his beats on that soundtrack
were really good.

 Inbox Message

 From: "T.J.Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: (313) 8-Mile
 Date: 09/11/2002 12:24:33

 yeah, but he's referring to Moby, so I don't know if he
 > even knows that he is not dissing techno...

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