You cats are making way too much of "all over".


> Inbox Message 
> From:  Mxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  Re: FW: (313) 8-Mile - Techno on the radio
> Date:  11/11/2002 3:07:55
> To:  logic7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'[EMAIL PROTECTED] Org'" <>
> At 08:51 AM 11/10/2002, logic7 wrote:
>>Last time I heard it "all over the radio" in tha D was about '89. The Wizard
>>and Mojo both played techno, 96.3 had a house/techno show right around 1pm
>>or so, and 107.5 has a couple of DJ's that played it.
>>At some point in 89, that came to a near halt. By 91, Techno and House were
>>all but completely forced into friday and saturday mix shows (Gary Chandler,
>>Charles Henderson, etc...)
> I guess my definition of "all over" is different than some; I recall those
> days as well, but even then didn't feel that was "all over".
> Still, it's certainly more than what I remember since.
> jeff

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