Fred I'm not here to troll, it comes down to a difference in opinion.
I'm here because I have an interest in 313 music, I've been buying Detroit
techno since 1989.
in response to your last paragraph a searchable database for the 313 list
archives would be very helpful.

on 11/17/02 10:26 PM, Fred Heutte at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm going to disagree with Cyclone a bit.  While the 313 list has a
> place in the history of Detroit techno, our discussions have long
> been far more diverse than the intimations of single-mindedness
> indicate.  
> I've been sort of amused by how one accusation of "elitism" got
> spun into this meandering ping pong battle over the meaning of 313
> or something.  
> The reason 313 has thrived for so long, against numerous clueless
> incoming squadrons, is that we have a lot of people here with
> differing opinions and no hesitation to express them, very deep
> experience, and a distaste for exactly the kind of navel-gazing of
> which we are now being accused.
> Now can we get past obvious trollbait like:
> "I think your a little disillusioned if you think a small community
> of fans have such a big impact on the scene."
> It's not about our "disillusionment," Stephen, as if all 313ers
> could be said to have any single common view.  It's about your
> presuppositions of the history and interconnection between this
> list and Detroit techno.
> You're welcome to your opinions on that; the more the merrier.
> But I would say that the archives are readily available, and a
> little bit of time skimming through them over the years might prove
> to be instructive.
> phred

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