It's quite possible that Jon Drukman was subbed to uk-dance a decade
ago -- I was, and a lot of us west coasters joined ne-raves and dc-raves
and so on for the same reason, there were a few hundred of us online
worldwide and it was exciting to hook up to a truly global and co-evolving
music and technology scene.

It was a different world -- most of the online action was on the now-
forgotten world of BBSes, AOL had less than half a million subscribers,
and you could read all postings in a dozen Usenet newsgroups every day
and not fall behind.  It was kind of nice, actually, even at 2400 bps.

Anyway, nowadays we get more spam than real email, and Jon Drukman is
still making great music, now with his live electro-pop version of 
Bass Kittens.


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