> true. but how many other huge media entities have
> released records from Jeff Mills, Derrick May, Juan
> Atkins and Kevin Saunderson?
> Sony Japan is at least blessed with some taste.

Oh I'm not discounting Sony, I'm discounting the
idea that releasing a CD via Sony Japan will
somehow bring attention to artists local to
Japan.  The only benefit I see to that is getting
paid (certainly no shame in that, just don't
try to make it out to be more than it really

A far more productive route would have been
to collaborate with those artists and/or feature
them on your imprint.  As an example I would
point you to the work Dan Curtin did with the
cats at Sublime.  Another route would be to
feature those artists on your tour, in your
mix, etc., etc.

Lastly, will it ever amount to much anyways
unless 'techno' makes some real in-roads here
in the U.S?  We could go off on that tip for
weeks on end (gear up 313 search & rescue

 - George

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