So I was on Yahoo's online chat yesterday, in the room labled Regional:Detroit
and someone comes in with the Yahoo name john_acquaviva.  So I started talking
to him and kind of questioned him a bit to find out if he was really Acquaviva
or some kid posing as John.  He answered everything and seemed to be believable
for a long time and I still wasn't sure.  Eventually I tripped him up on
some event that happened in 94 that I really think the true J.A. would have
remembered.  The reason I'm posting this is because I thought maybe someone here
might have Acquaviva's e-mail address and could forward him this post.  I 
figure John might want to know that this is happening and can even contact
teh kid if he wants (his email address is listed in his member profile). 

FYI if you logon to Yahoo Chats, you can do a view profile for john_acquaviva
and see what I am talking about.


NP: keyboards clicks and printer drones

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