Tchoo right! Yer readn' my mind. Cold. Sterile. But, to each his own?
6 hr? You can never be sure your judgement is accurate unless you stick it
out for the duration.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Girard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:50 AM
Subject: [313] Hawtin & Magda

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Hi there,
    haven't posted to the list for quite some time as I've had very little
to say about Ritchie Hawtin

That's a cue for a Richie debate if ever I heard one : )

I caught both Magda & Hawtin's set's at The End last w/e. I went in
as I'd never heard Magda before and had only heard Hawtin about 4 times
 After all the debate about weather or not Magda can DJ I found that she is
quite good at mixing (no mistakes) but I didn't really enjoy her selection.
didn't know any of the tracks but they seemed to be average to me ("Dry" was
term a friend used.)
 Hawtin played a 6 hour set. To be honest I found it quite boring. I've
previous sets from him but this just seemed to be one minimal track blended
smoothly into another minimal track.  There seemed to be a lack of variety,
nothing that really stood out.
 Where was the madness? Where was the darkness? How about some deck skills?
about the funk? It was all too serious (cold & clinical.) I think Professor
Hawtin needs to spend less time in the studio and maybe even go out for a
one night to remember what it's like to be the other side of the DJ booth.
 I'm going to hear him again at Atomic Jam alongside Luke Slater this month
he's got another chance to impress, I just hope he can prove me wrong.


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